

Most patients may feel mild dental anxiety about getting a procedure. However, some patients with moderate dental anxiety or dental phobia may benefit from sedation. Although sedation is not required for periodontal procedures, sedation allows the dentist to manage patient pain and anxiety while at the same time allowing the patient to more comfortably undergo periodontal procedures. If you want to learn more about sedation, please inquire at your next appointment.

At our office, patients can choose from the following options when undergoing dental treatment:

  • No Sedation:
    most patients choose to maintain full awareness during the procedure. This is accomplished with the use of local anesthetic.
  • Oral Conscious Sedation
    a drug induced stated of reduced awareness and decreased ability to respond. Some patients have generalized or dental specific anxiety. To make the dental experience more relaxing, medications are taken orally. If you choose conscious sedation, you still will be able to respond during the procedure but your ability to respond normally returns when the effects of the sedative wear off.
  • Nitrous
    Oxide is administered with or without oral conscious sedation. Its effects are similar to oral conscious sedation but not as profound. Patients that may have minor anxiety from dental procedures will benefit greatly from this type of sedation. No driver is needed to take the patient home after the procedure as the effects of Nitrous oxide gas are eliminated from the body very quickly. 100% oxygen is administered for a few minutes at the completion of the procedure to help expel any residual gas from the body.

For patients that opt for oral conscious sedation, the patient is required to arrive with a companion who can drive the patient home after the procedure. At the completion of the dental procedures, the patient will be allowed to recover from the effects of the sedation before being allowed to go home with the companion. The patient should not drive or operate machinery while taking sedative for 24 hours after the procedure.

Oral conscious sedation dentistry is ideal for people who have:

  1. A high level of fear or anxiety
  2. Suffered past traumatic dental experiences
  3. Difficulty in getting numb
  4. An overactive gag reflex
  5. Very sensitive teeth
  6. Complex dental problems
  7. Time only to squeeze several procedures into a limited time period
  8. A fear of needles and shots
  9. A strong dislike of the noises, smells and taste associated with dental care
  10. TMJ related difficulties where it is uncomfortable to open their mouth for extended periods
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